In 2017, the EU approved the funding of military research and the development of new arms and technologies, breaking the red line that the EU should not fund military activities with the community budget. Over half a billion Euros went to military research and development (R&D) through two precursor programmes: the Preparatory Action for Defence … Read More
Online relaunch of Open Security Data Europe “Who benefits from EU military and security funding?”
The European Network Against Arms Trade invites you to the online relaunch of Open Security Data Europe “Who benefits from EU military and security funding?” When: Tuesday 08 November, 14:30 CET 14:30: Presentation of the public data platform Open Security Data Europe 14:40: EU funding for civilian security: for what and for whom? 14:50: Main … Read More
‘ExitArms’ database reveals EU funded arms producers export to warring parties
This week, the environmental and human rights organizations Facing Finance and Urgewald published the “ExitArms” database: It is the first publicly available, global database on companies supplying arms to warring states. The launch is supported by ENAAT, the European Network Against Arms Trade. So far, the database covers the years 2015 to 2020. It … Read More
ENAAT Newsletter: Strategic Compass and sustainable finance a boon for the arms industry
the latest ENAAT newsletter, ‘News from the Brussels’ Bubble’ provides an overview of EU defence-related initiatives taken over the last two months, how they are connected and what it says about priorities, from the Strategic Compass to the Versailles Declaration and the EC Defence Package. It also shows what the next battle of the arms … Read More
Who gets most of EU funding for military research and development?
4 countries get 53.5% of the grants allocated so far: France, Italy, Spain and Germany, which are also the main EU arms exporters. Thales gets 15 grants, and 7 companies of the top 10 were members of the Group of Personalities that advised the European Commission to create this funding, in 2016. Considering the poor … Read More
EU funding for arms industry to be barely impacted by COVID-19 crisis, ENAAT newsletter special edition
NBB special edition: New EC proposal for MFF 2021-2027 EU funding for the military industry to be barely impacted by COVID-19 Read here: News from the Brussels’ Bubble #2020-2, 1st June 2020 Arms industry won first battle and is well placed for negotiations to come – pro-defence lobby saved basics: EC proposes €8bn EU Defence … Read More
ENAAT Meeting 2006
The financial factor: Campaigns against the role of Banks and Export Credit Agencies in financing arms trade Strategy meeting for campaigners Ghent, Belgium, 13 may 2006 An European Network Against the Arms Trade meeting, open to interested groups and campaigners. Program [Friday-evening 12 May, from 7PM onwards: Video’s on campaigns against financing arms trade … Read More