+117’800 EU citizens say “EU, don’t invest in weapons!”

Ahead of the European Summit today, +117800 EU citizens have so far expressed their opposition to the use of EU public money for the research and development of new weaponry.

EU Heads of State and Government are gathering today in Brussels, and discussions will include the EC proposals for a European Defence Fund.  On June 7, The EC proposed to add €500 million in 2019 and 2020 for the development phase of new products on top of the €90 million Preparatory Action for defence research covering 2017-2019. From 2021 this figures would go up to €1,5 billion every year for both research and development of new military technology and products.

Read the WeMove.eu and ENAAT Press release here in English, French, Italian


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Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security

Europe is the second most militarized region in the world, with a military budget that surpasses China’s and is three times that of Russia. Additionally, the EU’s budget for security and defense has tripled over the past two decades, reaching 19.5 billion euros in the current framework program. The Delàs Center for Peace Studies, in collaboration with the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), analyzes Europe’s militarization and proposes alternatives to European security policies in the publication “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”.

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