ENAAT Position paper: MEPs must critically scrutinize EU funding to military Research & Development

A crucial debate has started in the EU and key decisions will be taken by the European Parliament and by the
Member States in the coming weeks and months. Not only these decisions will shape the future of the EU but
they will also influence how the world is addressing and responding to environmental, societal and political

In its Position Paper, the European Network Against Arms Trade calls MEPs to listen to the voice of the peace community and consider alternative paths to peace, no matter how disturbing it is for the dominant one-track thinking on security-related issues

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Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security

Europe is the second most militarized region in the world, with a military budget that surpasses China’s and is three times that of Russia. Additionally, the EU’s budget for security and defense has tripled over the past two decades, reaching 19.5 billion euros in the current framework program. The Delàs Center for Peace Studies, in collaboration with the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), analyzes Europe’s militarization and proposes alternatives to European security policies in the publication “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”.

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