Open Letter to MEPs “EU Defence Fund provisional agreement sets dangerous precedent against democratic functioning of the EU”

Brussels, 10 April 2019

Ahead of a crucial vote next week, ENAAT members alert Euro-parliamentarians about the risks the European Defence Fund entails.

“It is in your hands to close this Pandora’s box while there is still time. If not, it will pave the way for the EU to become merely a cash cow for profit-making companies and national short term interests, and the Parliament reduced to a rubber-stamping body.
This is not what EU citizens are expecting from you ahead of crucial elections, nor will it improve EU’s legitimacy to their eyes.
We urge you to oppose the adoption of this provisional agreement and let the next Parliament have the power to decide what to do with 13 billion Euros.”

Read the Open Letter in English, FrenchSpanish

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