News from the Brussels’ Bubble, #2023-01

The latest issue of the EU project newsletter summarises the main news about EU funding for the arms industry and other aspects of EU militarisation over the last month. Enjoy the reading!

ENAAT NBB 2023-01_15.02.2023


EU funding for the arms industry
– EU funding for joint acquisitions: debate on tripled budget, non-EU weapons and exports
– Arms industry access to public/private investments: EU Sovereignty Fund and EIB

Other aspects of EU militarisation
– EU and US cooperation on defence: from joint declaration to US folding seat in EDA
– Progress on Denmark’s opt-in on Defence
– France friendship treaties with Germany and Spain put European defence in top priorities
– EP calls for ‘genuine military and defence union’ with more funding
– EU Special Summit adopts tough stand on migration

EU Peace Facility & related news
– EU Rapid Deployment Capacity: first tests in Spain, EU operations common costs debate on hold
– Military aid to Ukraine and 10th package of sanctions against Russia
– Other EU assistance measures: Mali, Gulf of Guinea, Niger, Libya, Jordan, Armenia, civil missions

Interesting links


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Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security

Europe is the second most militarized region in the world, with a military budget that surpasses China’s and is three times that of Russia. Additionally, the EU’s budget for security and defense has tripled over the past two decades, reaching 19.5 billion euros in the current framework program. The Delàs Center for Peace Studies, in collaboration with the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), analyzes Europe’s militarization and proposes alternatives to European security policies in the publication “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”.

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