The latest ENAAT Newsletter is available here: ENAAT NBB 2023-06_04.09.2023
The main news are the announcement of a possible EU Defence Production Act to be proposed by end of the year, as well as a special Assistance Fund for Ukraine up to €20 billion in 2024-2027
EU funding for the arms industry
– A ‘European Defence Production Act’ proposal by end of the year?
– France EDF champion and its Commissioner to run the EU?
– EDIRPA: final vote on EU funding for joint acquisitions
– Ammunition for Ukraine: orders to the industry to come soon
other aspects of European militarisation
– Military green-washing and the EU ‘Climate & security Nexus’ Communication
– Critical raw material: Member States and industry positions
– Informal defence & foreign affairs ministers meetings & ‘conquering the brains’
– EP Annual report on ‘Implementation of the common security and defence policy’
– Danemark first participation in PESCO project
– Formal notice about infringement of EU defence transfers directives
EU Peace Facility & related news
– Second Norwegian financial contribution to EPF of NOK 250 million (+/- €22 million)
– Proposal for a Special Assistance Fund for Ukraine, up to €20 billion
– EUMAM Ukraine now aims to train 40,000 soldiers, possibly including F16 pilots
– EU missions in Africa: from suspension in Niger to new mission in the Gulf of Guinea