NBB #2023-06: a new EU Defence Production Act to come and up to €20bn for an Assistance Fund for Ukraine


The latest ENAAT Newsletter is available here: ENAAT NBB 2023-06_04.09.2023

The main news are the announcement of a possible EU Defence Production Act to be proposed by end of the year, as well as a special Assistance Fund for Ukraine up to €20 billion in 2024-2027


EU funding for the arms industry
A ‘European Defence Production Act’ proposal by end of the year?
France EDF champion and its Commissioner to run the EU?
EDIRPA: final vote on EU funding for joint acquisitions
Ammunition for Ukraine: orders to the industry to come soon

other aspects of European militarisation
Military green-washing and the EU ‘Climate & security Nexus’ Communication
Critical raw material: Member States and industry positions
Informal defence & foreign affairs ministers meetings & ‘conquering the brains’
– EP Annual report on ‘Implementation of the common security and defence policy’
– Danemark first participation in PESCO project
– Formal notice about infringement of EU defence transfers directives

EU Peace Facility & related news
Second Norwegian financial contribution to EPF of NOK 250 million (+/- €22 million)
Proposal for a Special Assistance Fund for Ukraine, up to €20 billion
– EUMAM Ukraine now aims to train 40,000 soldiers, possibly including F16 pilots
– EU missions in Africa: from suspension in Niger to new mission in the Gulf of Guinea

more news

Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security

Europe is the second most militarized region in the world, with a military budget that surpasses China’s and is three times that of Russia. Additionally, the EU’s budget for security and defense has tripled over the past two decades, reaching 19.5 billion euros in the current framework program. The Delàs Center for Peace Studies, in collaboration with the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), analyzes Europe’s militarization and proposes alternatives to European security policies in the publication “Peace and Disarmament in Europe: For shared détente, peace and security”.

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